Coding and technology courses and certificates
Proud sponsor of Canadian Association of School Principals

All Skills levels are welcome!
School boards will pay a group rate and can use coupons or gift cards received from the CAP 2024 conference!
Certification in Coding, Website development, game development, AI, Arduino circuitry , Database Integration, App Development & More!
Coding is the language of tomorrow, the government of Canada just added coding in the academic curriculum. Our very engaging and interactive classes allow any child to discover coding in different languages and programs HTML5, Python, JavaScript, Java, CSS, Data Integration, Website creation, App development, Arduino...
Each Program Duration: 1.5 Hours/Week $159.00/month
Certification in Website Development (HTML + CSS)
HTML Stands for hypertext markup language. It is the standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic and hyperlink effects on www that means world wide web pages. It defines the page layout and elements within the pages.
Through weekly projects, each student will have the necessary practice to build their skills and learn?functions such as:
- Tags
- Headings
- Paragraph
- Form
- Registration form
- Attribute
- Formatting/Style CSS
- Iframes
- Images
Your children can get certification in 2D and 3D game development
Jr Coder
26 hours of coding + 4 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Sr Coder
40 hours + 8 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Master Coder
60 hours + 12 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Required materials:
A web browser : Google chrome/Mozzilla Firefox/Hedge/Safari
A text editor :Notepad/ text/Visual Studio Code/TextMate (Mac)
To access the courses syllabus of the coding field, please click here.
Certification as website developer with JavaScript programming, C++
Your children can get certification as coder -contact us to register today
JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to add interactivity to websites. It can be used to create interactive effects on web pages. This language allows to tell computers how to do all kind of tacks. The following concepts will be explored and then use during weekly projects and practice.
Your children will get their certifications as
Jr Coder
26 hours of coding + 4 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Sr Coder
40 hours + 8 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Master Coder
60 hours + 12 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
To access the courses syllabus of the coding field, please click here.
Python programming-Certifications are available
Python is very easy to use and can be used every where from website, tools for scientific tools and video games.
- Installing and running Python
- Putting numbers to work
- Logic in programming
- Storing text in strings
- Processing Input in Lists
- Making classes
- Using Loops to repeat code
- Using Functions to create reusable code
Your children can get certification in 2D and 3D game development
Jr coder
26 hours of coding + 4 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Sr coder
40 hours + 8 projects + + a score of at least 80% in exam
Master coder
60 hours + 12 projects + + a score of at least 80% in exam
To access the courses syllabus of the coding field, please click here.
Game Development with Scratch, Unity -Jr Developer Certificates-Sr Developer Certificates-Master Developer
Do you want to invest in your child’s future if they are into games? If the answer is yes, let’s start from scratch by teaching them Scratch! Developed by MIT Media Lab, Scratch is a programming language where your child can program interactive media such as stories, games, and animation. This course boosts your kid’s imagination and enhance his/her creatively along with basics of game design through code blocks visual programming.
Your children can get certification in 2D and 3D game development
Jr Developer
26 hours of coding + 4 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Sr Developer
40 hours + 8 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
Master Developer
60 hours + 12 projects + a score of at least 80% in exam
To access the courses syllabus of the coding field, please click here.