Math Abacus + University Preparation Courses

Each Regular Math Program Duration: 1.5 Hours/Week for 8 Weeks for $119/month

Each University Preperation Program Duration: 4 months for one-time fee of $450

Our way of teaching Math!

We challenge our students by engaging them with the core concepts, with drills that allow to increase their speed and accuracy in problem solving. We teach them to approach each problem in a critical way and think creatively.


Play-based approach

Taking into consideration the needs, learning styles, and future direction of young learners in the 21st century, we combine a highly motivational play-based online context with structured, sequential mathematical lessons based upon the Canadian Math curriculum to teach children in kindergarten.

Balanced approach

For older children, we use a methodology that matches your child’s learning style to maximize the learning experience. Our instructors have more than 3 years of experience and can help meet your children’s needs where it is the most necessary. we believe that one can more effectively teach a subject if they have a passion for it. As such, specialized teachers are designated for specific subjects, and mathematics is no exception. Guided by the textbook, the approach to teach mathematics combines both the traditional and the discovery math approaches in an effort to equip the student with an array of skill sets relevant to the assimilation of mathematical concepts.


Can your children calculate 345 * 267 in a few seconds? We will teach them how with Abacus. Our classes are not repetitive instead they challenge your children with new concepts to keep them engaged and motivated. Your children will become faster than a calculator. Call us today to book your spot!


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What is an Abacus?

It is a bead frame calculator dated thousands of years in the Greek, the Romans, the Chinese, Japanese and Indian cultures.

The way the abacus is designed help in the development of the right brain which is the numerical centre of the brain and where analytical memory takes shape. Therefore using abacus allows memory development in spatial orientation.

The abacus enables quick and accurate calculations to be computed mentally.