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The registration process can be completed online by clicking the ‘Clientarea’ button on the top menu. The online registration can also be access here.
The time limit for each course is uniquely defined, however its never more than one year from the day you are registered into the course.
Yes; you can always contact your teacher through the one-on-one tutoring services that we offer at Budding Genius Academy.
Assessments are done through a variety of formats; there are quizzes, tests, discussions, and assignments that our teachers use for assessment. Students will be required to appear on video for some assessments in their course.
Students must write quizzes, tests, and exams alone without the assistance of friends, parents, tutors, or any other person. Students are not to access any outside material, including coursework and/or notes with the exception of formula sheets in certain assessments where it has been indicated as permitted by the teacher and in the assessment details. Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or similar documents may be permitted to utilize outside material upon approval from the BG Academy Online office.
Students that copy information from their course, their notes, or any other source and present them as their own answers will be given a grade of zero on the entire assessment. Answers that are very similar to those given in the course content will be investigated to determine whether they could be committed to memory or not within reason.
Any violation of the aforementioned is considered a serious academic offence and a grade of zero will be applied to the entire assessment and students may be removed from the course without credit.
Students will be required to answer questions on quizzes, tests, and exams via the video note feature built into the system. For all video submissions, students must make their face visible in order for teachers to adequately identify them. If students refuse to show their face in the video, this will be considered academic dishonesty and the student will be penalized or may be removed from the course without credit.
Once you register online, and pick the courses you are interested in, you will be automatically enrolled and can access the course materials.
This varies greatly depending on your availability, comfort level in the subject, and many other factors, but the average time is 12 weeks.
Lessons are delivered in a wide variety of formats in order to cater to different learning styles. Some examples of delivery are written notes, videos from YouTube, videos created by the teacher, presentations accompanied by teacher voice over, interactive labs and models, external websites, online articles, discussion forums, along with other interactive tools…
If there is a required textbook for your course, you will be provided with an eBook at no additional charge, unless noted otherwise before registering for the course.
Students should have the following minimum requirements to access on Blyth Academy Online programs:
- A PC running Windows XP or higher or
- A Mac running OS X or
- A Chromebook running Chrome OS
- 2GB of RAM
- High speed internet connection
- A sound card with speakers or headphones
- A functional webcam and microphone
- Adobe Reader
- Adobe Shockwave
- Adobe Flash Player
- Java
- A typical Office Suite including a word processor application, equation editor and spreadsheets
Browser - Mozilla Firefox4 or higher or
- Internet Explorer 7 or higher or
- Safari 5 or higher or
- Google Chrome 11 or higher
In some cases, a scanner or phone/camera may be used to submit handwritten assignments.